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What is deepFirewall?

deepFirewall is a tool designed to reduce the risk of sending and receiving sensitive information (E.g., Personal Identifiable Information, confidential information) to an LLM (Large Language Model)

Predefined context

Predefined context

All the information is tightly to a context, and just the allowed data can be processed by the LLM

Question Fence

Question Fence

A tight semantic fence around each question that only allows a prompt to an LLM if it is semantically verified and also if user permissions match the query (HR user can see data that belongs to an HR group)

PII detection

PII detection

Track and reject prompts with sensitive data to ensure compliance

How it works

In this demo, we collected Financial Independence content from bogleheads.org, and the user is only allowed to ask questions about financial independence.

Valid Questions

The current prompt only accepts questions related to financial independence. Once you craft your question, click the "Send" button and wait until deepFirewall verifies your input and returns an answer. Some allowed inputs could be:

  • What are some effective investment strategies for attaining financial independence?
  • What is compound interest?
  • How many months should the emergency fund cover?

A valid input will be allowed to proceed

Image description

Invalid Questions

After deepFirewall analyzes the input message and determines that it is an invalid input, it will return an error message with an explanation.

  • Hello, my name is Joe Doe, my social security number is 123-45-6789
  • What can I invest the savings in the IBAN bank account GB82WEST12345698765432
  • Can I get financial independence by selling Pokemon cards?

Image description

Try it!

Example inputs for testing

Please, click on the listed examples to copy the text into the input, or write a new one and send it to deepFirewall

  • What is the ideal safe withdrawal rate?
  • What are some effective investment strategies for attaining financial independence?
  • What is compound interest?
  • How many months should the emergency fund cover?
  • Is Peter Carlsen salary greater than Jane Smith salary?
  • What's the best recipe for pancakes?
  • Who's the best tennis player of all time?